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Year: 2021 (1602 items)
161Attentive fine-tuning of transformers for translation of low-resourced languages @LoResMT 2021 article
162Attitude and achievements motivation of Arab postgraduates in language centres in selected Malaysia public universities towards learning of English languagethesis
163Attribution styles as correlates of technical drawing task-persistence and technical college students\ performance article
164Augmented realty (AR) in education: assessment and ranking framework based on fuzzy delphi and hybrid of AHP entropy and vikor methodsthesis
165Author correction: impact of sandwiched strain periodic multilayer AlN/GaN on strain and crystalline quality of a-plane GaNarticle
166Based on T-spherical fuzzy environment: a combination of FWZIC and FDOSM for prioritising COVID-19 vaccine dose recipientsarticle
167Based on t-spherical fuzzy environment: a combination of FWZIC and FDOSM for prioritising COVID-19 vaccine dose recipients article
168Based on the multi-assessment model: Towards a new context of combining the artificial neural network and structural equation modelling: A review article
169Based on wearable sensory device in 3D-printed humanoid: a new real-time sign language recognition system article
170Basic problem-solving-positioning skills of students starting first grade in primary school during the COVID-19 pandemicarticle
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