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Year: 2022 (749 items)
11A case study of graphic organizers effects on Chinese High School students critical thinking in EFL reading classthesis
12A case study of the criticality of Teaching English as Second Language (TESL) student teachers reflective entriesthesis
13A comparative study of public preschool management in Perak and Yogyakartathesis
14A comparison analysis study to analysis requirements elicitation for arduino development of IoT applicationarticle
15A conceptual framework to teach primary Mathematics using the Hy-brid Collaborative Teaching Model in Malaysiaarticle
16A descriptive study of Islamic Boundness in Subaiyyat Isa Alabi Abubakararticle
17A framework of employability skills amongst Ningxia polytechnic graduated studentsthesis
18A guided discovery learning model to improve conceptual understanding in learning physicarticle
19A history of feminism and gender equality in the modern Philippinesarticle
20A need analysis for the development of Physics game-based interactive module in matriculation collegearticle
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