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Year: 2016 (433 items)
411The effects of different doses of caffeine on attention and cognitive reaction time among Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) students article
412The effects of external and internal focus on the press behind neck lift among weightlifters article
413The effects of inferencing strategy instruction on students ability to make and justify inferences while reading narrative texts thesis
414The effects of talking-head with various realism levels on students' emotions in learning article
415The evaluation of stochastic mosquito-borne infectious disease mapping model in Malaysia thesis
416The evolution of Polpolot : innovation and continuity in a Baluan song form article
417The influence of strength and balance of supporting leg during maximal instep kick on kicking performance thesis
418The interference of first language towards writing in English as second language thesis
419The level of involvement of 6-8 year old children in housework in urban areas and its effect on academic performance in early childhood at City Primary School, Nairobi, Kenya article
420The level of self-esteem among novice Physical Education teachers article
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