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Year: 2020 (786 items)
1 Biodegradable material in composting: green initiatives in Northern Malaysia and Indonesiaarticle
2 Study on upper air sounding data sensitivity towards thunderstorm activities over Kuching and Miri from 2010 to 2015article
31 Slash 100%: gamification of mathematics with hybrid QR-based card gamearticle
421st century skills in higher education: teaching and learning at Ifugao State University, Philippinesarticle
5A atudy on the atylistic features and teaching strategy of Kuo Pao Kuns Chinese expressionist drama “Kopi Diam” and “The Silly Little Girl and the Funny Old Tree”article
6A case study examining the implementation of higher order thinking skills in a Tesl teacher education programme in a public universitythesis
7A case study of direct assessment of students manipulative skills in Chemistry practical: perspective of lecturersarticle
8A case study on the influence of first language syntax (L1) in writing english (L2) essays among form two secondary studentsarticle
9A characterization of plaster of Paris as an alternative water-basedarticle
10A cognitive-affective-behavioral responses of customer experience (CAB-CE) model for service delivery improvement in the healthcare industryarticle
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