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Simplified search suggestions : Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh |
1 | 2019 article | Developing a prototype speaking game for engineering students at Polytechnic in Malaysia Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh Proficiency in English speaking skills in the engineering profession has become an
concern among employers lately. Students of engineering who sit for the Malaysian University
English Test (MUET) often face anxiety due to their inability to perform well in the speaking
component. The objective of this study is to develop a prototype speaking game incorporating MUET
speaking skills as a novel strategy to assist the engineering students in improving their speaking
skills. The study also looks at the benefits engineering students gained while using the prototype
developed to improve their speaking skills. A survey design was employed to carry out the study.
The findings of this study revealed a significant agreement from the students on using the
prototype which helped them to improve in terms of using new words, grammar and
vocabulary. Thus, it can be concluded that polytechnic engineering studen..... 3278 hits |
2 | 2019 article | Redesigning Assessment for Holistic Learning Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh This paper discusses the importance of holistic assessment in the teaching and learning process at all levels ofeducation, both in schools and in higher education institutions. Redesigning classroom assessment for holistic learning to improve student learning is not a new idea. Educators conduct assessment for a variety of purposes such as determining the level of student academic achievement or identifying weaknesses and strengths of students. Educators need to be equipped with ways to maintain these processes to determine the quality of student achievement. Assessment should reflect the understanding that learning is a complex process by engaging a varied selection of techniques, comprising those that require real and authentic performance, utilising them over a period so as to disclose evolution, progress, and emergent steps of integration. The assessment should be continuous and balanced. Implementing holistic assessment benefits the students, teachers and stakeholders. Educators s..... 2787 hits |
3 | 2017 article | Grammar errors made by ESL tertiary students in writing Swaran Singh Charanjit Kaur, Jageer Singh Amreet Kaur, Abd Razak Nur Qistina, Ravinthar Thilaga, 2732 hits |
4 | 2017 article | Analysis of teacher beliefs and efficacy for teaching writing to weak learners Tunku Mohtar Tunku Mohani, Swaran Singh Charanjit Kaur, Kepol Napisah, Loap Ahmad Ahmad Zainuri, Moneyam Sasigaran, 2027 hits |
5 | 2017 article | A review of research on pre-service teachers technological pedagogical content knowledge for teaching English language Mohd Kasim Mohd Zulkharnain, Swaran Singh Charanjit Kaur, 1810 hits |
6 | 2017 article | An observation of classroom assessment practices among lecturers in selected Malaysian higher learning institution Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh Purpose – The study was aimed at exploring and analysing the current assessment practices of lecturers in selected Malaysian higher learning institution classrooms. The focus was the different modes of assessment used in the classroom and to make recommendations on using a variety of assessment modes that would be well-aligned with the intended learning outcomes. Methodology – A qualitative approach using a descriptive case study design was employed in developing the study. Subjects of the study were selected based on a voluntary basis and 15 lecturers teaching in eight programmes from two higher learning institutions participated in the study. Classroom observation was the main method of data collection, while data analysis employed thematic analysis. Each lecturer was observed twice. Three instruments were used in data collection, namely: pre-observation form, observation form and video recordings. The data was analysed through the opencoding process. The notes in the observation..... 1306 hits |
7 | 2017 article | A review of research on flipped classroom approach for teaching communication skills in english Jaswant Singh Hardev Singh Sokhal, Swaran Singh Charanjit Kaur, Tunku Mohtar Tunku Mohani, Mostafa Nor Azmi, 1354 hits |
8 | 2017 article | ESL learners perspectives on the use of picture series in teaching guided writing Swaran Singh Charanjit Kaur, Tan Pei Mei, Abdullah Maria Shu, Othman Wan Mazlini, Mostafa Nor Azmi, 1226 hits |
9 | 2019 article | Developing a Cooperative Interactive Learning Module for improving speaking skills of graduate students Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh Students in higher learning institutes in Malaysia face some difficulties in expressing themselves in English language and show lack of competency in speech. They perform poorly in the English language during examination held in the university and also interviews. Based on the problems encountered by the weak students, it was deemed necessary to provide some form of guidance to enable the ESL students to speak confidently. The guidance comes in the form of a cooperative interactive learning module for teaching speaking to weak ESL students. The purpose of the study is to develop a cooperative interactive learning module as a teaching approach that could benefit ESL students at the university. This study also investigates the attitudes of the students before and after using the cooperative interactive learning module concerning speaking.The research comprises of two stages namely instructional design, ADDIE model (to develop the module). A quasi-experimental design was carried out to lo..... 1063 hits |
10 | 2019 article | Pre-service teachers Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh Education 4.0 is the inspiration of the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 which is focusing on teaching and learning especially in terms of personalization of learning, quality education and learners as connectors, creators, and constructivist (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2015). Pre-service teachers’ mastery of the technological pedagogical content knowledge for teaching practice is deemed crucial in order for them to face the challenges apparent in the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The purpose of this study is to investigate how themastery of TPACK assists the pre-service English teachers with their teaching practice. The research design was mainly qualitative. Four ESL pre-service teachers were selected using the purposive sampling method. Each teacher was observed five times over a period of twenty lessons. Non-participant observation was conducted during the teaching sessions. A checklist was used during the observation to ensure uniformity in the elements observed during ..... 905 hits |
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