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Total records found : 17 |
Simplified search suggestions : Nor ain Mohd Tajudin |
1 | 2013 article | Kemahiran penaakulan saintifik dan stail pengajaran pensyarah : indikasi awal ke arah peningkatan kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran pelajar Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Mohd. Tajudin Nor’ain, Abd Rahman Nurulhuda, Saad Noor Shah, Yahaya Asmayati, Alimon Hasimah, Dollah Mohd. Uzi, Abd Karim Mohd. Mustamam, Penyelidikan tinjauan ini bertujuan menentukan tahap kemahiran penaakulan saintifik (KPS) pelajar Sains, Matemaik dan Kejuruteraan (SMK) di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam Malaysia (IPTA),stail pengajaran pensyarah (SPP) serta hubungan antara KPS dan SPP. Seramai 975 pelajar daripada enam buah universiti terlibat dalam kajian ini dan dipilih secara teknik persampelan rawak berstrata. Terdapat dua instrumen kajian iaitu Ujian Kemahiran Penaakulan Saintifik dan Soal Selidik Stail Pengajaran Pensyarah. Statistik deskriptif seperti frekuensi, peratus dan min serta pekali korelasi Pearson digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap kemahiran penaakulan saintifik dalam kalangan kebanyakan pelajar masih berada pada tahap operasi konkrit. Dua stail pengajaran pensyarah yang dominan menurut persepsi pelajar adalah pakar dan pemberi kuasa. Walau bagaimanapun kajian menunjukkan terdapat korelasi negatif yang lemah antara tahap kemahiran penaakulan saintifik dengan stail pe..... 3728 hits |
2 | 2017 article | The character of teaching practices in a teacher education institution: findings from observation checklist Eng Tek Ong, Abdul Rahman Nurulhuda, Wahid Rosdy, Mohd Tajudin Nor’ain, Abd Samad Yahya Razak, Mazuwai Azwani, Kosni Ahmad Nazri, 2656 hits |
3 | 2017 article | Pembinaan item dalam bidang perkaitan bagi mata pelajaran Matematik tingkatan empat berdasarkan model taksonomi pemprosesan maklumat Teng Kai Wen, Mohd Tajudin Nor’ain, Masri Rohaidah, 2793 hits |
4 | 2017 article | Pupils achievement towards Higher Order Thinking Skill Mathematics questions with bar model method Mohd Abdul Aziz Azrul Azwan, Puteh Marzita, Mohd Tajudin Nor’ain, Adnan Mazlini, 1965 hits |
5 | 2017 article | Relationship between Mathematics teacher subject matter knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and professional development needs Nor’ain Mohd Tajudin Two key variables emerged from the literature review is that Specific Matter Knowledge [SMK] and Pedagogical Content Knowledge [PCK] can influence the mathematics teachers' Professional Development [PD] needs. However, the key variables of SMK and PCK that were being investigated were not defined clearly. Empirical evidence that support relationship between SMK and PD and PCK and PD were not verified. In addition, how does PCK mediate SMK and PD is not clear and somewhat lacking. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to examine the relationship between primary mathematics teacher's SMK, PCK and PD needs. Results of path analysis with SmartPLS indicated that the direct effect of SMK on PD was mediated via PCK. This data provide support for the claim that PD programs for future teachers of primary mathematics should be driven by a more nuanced understanding of the link between SMK and PCK... 822 hits |
6 | 2017 article | Developing themes of guiding principles to foster higher order thinking skills in teaching and learning of mathematics Mohd Tajudin Nor’ain, Puteh Marzita, Adnan Mazlini, 3112 hits |
7 | 2017 article | Role of higher order thinking skills in enhancing mathematical problem solving Mohd. Tajudin Nor’ain, Chinnappan Mohan, 246 hits |
8 | 2017 article | Development of secondary mathematics higher order thinking skills assessment instrument: challenges and constraints Puteh Marzita, Mohd Tajudin Nor’ain, Adnan Mazlini, Mohd Abdul Aziz Azrul Azwan, 1661 hits |
9 | 2017 article | Adventure based learning module: content validity and reliability process Setambah Mohd Afifi Bahurudin, Mohd Tajudin Nor’ain, Adnan Mazlini, Mat Saad Muhamad Ikhwan, 2322 hits |
10 | 2017 article | Adventure based learning module in statistics: development and impact on students achievement, critical thinking and leaderships skills Setambah Mohd Afifi Bahurudin, Mohd Tajudin Nor’ain, Adnan Mazlini, Mat Saad Muhamad Ikhwan, 2024 hits |
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