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Total records found : 52 |
Simplified search suggestions : Othman Soh |
1 | 2016 article | Computer technology integration and teachers knowledge and self-efficacy: barriers and promise Azeema Fathimath, Talib Othman, Othman Azraai, 1578 hits |
2 | 2016 article | Science teaching: perceptions, attitudes and instructional practices Phang Yeen Cheng, Talib Othman, Othman Azraai, This study investigates the perceptions, attitudes and instructional practices towards teaching science among secondary school Science teachers. Data was collected using questionnaires and underwent statistical analysis. 102 science teachers in Kuala Langat district were included in this study. Analysis revealed that the three constructs; perceptions, attitudes and instructional practice were at moderate level. In addition, Mann-Whitney analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the experienced group teachers with less experienced group teachers in terms of perceptions, attitudes and instructional practices. Finally, analysis Spearman’s rho revealed that there were low correlation between perceptions and attitudes, perceptions and instructional practices and moderate correlation between instructional practices and attitudes. This research helps in providing the information on teachers’ perceptions, attitudes and instructional practices among secondary school S..... 2543 hits |
3 | 2016 article | Beberapa kaedah untuk pengajaran ayat sebagai satuan dalam wacana Othman Arbak, Mohd Nor Ahmad Khair, Analisis terhadap ayat dari sudut nahuan meletakkan ayat sebagai satuan yang terbesar dalam bahasa. Ayat dianalisis berdasarkan struktur sintaksis tanpa mempertimbangkan konteks ayat itu dihasilkan atau diujarkan. Sebaliknya, dalam nahu wacana, ayat yang dihasilkan dalam ujaran berperanan untuk mengungkapkan fikiran melalui bahasa yang digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi. Dalam nahu wacana, ayat yang diujarkan dianggap sebagai satuan yang membentuk hubungan ayat dalam konteks ujaran dan tekstual, dan ciri-ciri sintaksis yang diperlihatkan dalam ayat diterangkan berhubung dengan syarat yang mengendalikan penyebaran ayat dalam wacana. Oleh sebab itu, nahu wacana biasanya menganalisis bentuk nahuan dan penyebaran ayat dalam wacana, dari segi kombinasi susunan maklumat dan susunan ayat yang logik yang didapati dalam teks ujaran (Sato 1997:2). Makalah ini akan menjelaskan beberapa konsep tentang nahu wacana yang dapat digunakan untuk tujuan pengajaran ayat bahasa Melayu... 979 hits |
4 | 2016 article | Kesediaan guru dalam pelaksanaan kemahiran berfikir terhadap pengajaran penulisan karangan murid bukan Melayu Jamian Abdul Rasid, Othman Shamsudin, Md Sabil Azhar, Masamin Juanes, Kemahiran berfikir secara penyebatian dalam penulisan karangan mendapati memberi kesan terhadap pencapaian murid, terutamanya murid bukan Melayu. Sehubungan itu, guru-guru perlu mahir untuk mengaplikasikan kemahiran berfikir dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti cara guru-guru mengaplikasikan kemahiran berfikir dalam pengajaran penulisan karangan untuk murid-murid bukan Melayu peringkat sekolah rendah tahun 5. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kesediaan guru Bahasa Melayu terhadap kepentingan pengaplikasian kemahiran berfikir dalam penulisan karangan min adalah 4.14, (S.P. = .48). Selain itu, dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa guru-guru berpengetahuan dan faham tentang konsep mengaplikasikan kemahiran berfikir adalah pada tahap yang tinggi iaitu min 4.07, (S.P. = .54). Kesimpulannya, penguasaan kemahiran berfikir adalah penting untuk melahirkan murid-murid yang berkebolehan dan berketrampilan dalam menulis karangan khususnya dal..... 1895 hits |
5 | 2017 article | Chromatic numbers and indices of the optimised degree six 3-modified chordal ring network topology Chien Stephen Lim Ern, - Raja Noor Farah Azura, Othman Mohamed, 1521 hits |
6 | 2016 article | Relationship between student teachers achievement in Professional Education Courses and their achievement in Teaching Practices Othman Ikhsan, Md Salleh Norila, Professional Education Course (PEC) and Teaching Practice (TP) are two main components in teacher education program. This paper discusses findings of a study to identify the relationship between students' achievement in PEC and their achievement in TP. Grades achieved by the students in PEC and their grades achieved in TP were used and analyzed with permission from the Academic Department of a selected university. The data of 1,888 students were from 28 programs conducted at the university. Spearman's rho correlation via SPSS version 23 was used for data analysis. There were five sub courses under PEC that were analyzed in this study. The analysis found that, only students’ achievement in three courses of PEC showed significant correlation with their achievement in TP with correlation indexes in a range of .046 < r < .088 at p ≤ .05. It showed that there was a weak significant correlation between students’ achievement in PEC and the students’ achievement in TP. Students’ achi..... 1214 hits |
7 | 2011 article | Demographic parameters and reproductive performance of the assassin bug Sycanus dichotomus Stal. fed on mealworm Tenebrio molitor L. Ibrahim Yusof, Othman Mohd Fairuz, The reproductive performance and demographic parameters of Sycanus dichotomus Stal. fed on mealworm Tenebrio molitor L. were studied in the laboratory under the ambient environment of 28 ± 2°C, 70%-90% RH and 12 hr photoperiod. Eggs that were laid in tight clusters of 15-130 eggs per cluster hatched within a mean of 19 days with 6.27% hatchability. The majority of the eggs that were in small clusters were infertile, while larger uniform clusters contained a higher percentage of fertile eggs. There were five nymphal instars. All nymphal stages were reddish in colour. The mean longevity was two to three weeks each for the first to third instars, while at least one week each was needed for the fourth and fifth instars. The total developmental time from egg to adult took 87 days with the females reaching adulthood three days sooner than the male. Adult females survived for an average of 197 days with a median natural mortality (NM50) value of 150 days, while the males endured for an addi..... 1739 hits |
8 | 2013 article | Contributing factors towards difficulties in generating ideas among technical students Yee Mei Heong, Md Yunos Jailani, Hassan Razali, Mohamad Mimi Mohaffyza, Othman Widad, Tee Tze Kiong, Idea is a thought or collection of thoughts that are important to decision making and problem solving. The purpose of this research was to analysis the factors contributing to difficulty in generating ideas among technical students. A total of 375 technical students from four technical universities in Malaysia were randomly selected as samples. A set of questionnaires was developed and used as research instrument. The findings indicated that a total of 319 (85.1%) technical students faced difficulties in solving individual assignments. Most of the problem faced by technical students is the difficulty of generating ideas for solving individual assignments. The most difficult individual assignment is critical review or summary of articles. Deadlock of ideas is the most important factor in the difficulty to generate ideas among technical students. A total of 261 students (69.6%) also believed that the difficulty of generating ideas is a key factor affecting the achievement of the students..... 2082 hits |
9 | 2013 article | The development and evaluation of the qualities of thinking skills module Tee Tze Kiong, Azhari Azman Mohamed Nor, Md Yunos Jailani, Yee Mei Heong, Mohamad Mimi Mohaffyza, Mohamad Baharom, Othman Widad, Using self-instructional modules could be an alternative approach and make significant contributions to teaching and learning. Module is a planned series of learning activities designed carefully to assist the learners to accomplish certain specific objectives based on individual differences, interest and capability on learning. An attempt to develop and implement a modular approach on teaching thinking skills was made in the secondary school. This paper will discuss various components of this modular approach by referring to Meyer Model. Fleiss’s Kappa was used to determine the degree to which consensus agreement ratings vary from the rate expected by chance, with values greater than .60 Indicating substantial non-chance agreement. Fleiss’s Kappa for the inter-rater reliability score was κ = .6357, S.E. = .0990, 95% C.I. = .4416 to .8298, which can be taken to represent constant agreement among three raters for the instrument “Rating scale for the qualities of a module”. The ..... 2746 hits |
10 | 2013 article | Pendekatan konstruktivisme dalam pengembangan kurikulum : kesannya ke atas penguasaan kemahiran proses Sains Othman Ikhsan, Md Salleh Norila, Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti kesan pendekatan konstruktivisme dalam pengembangan kurikulum ke atas penguasaan kemahiran proses sains murid-murid sekolah rendah. Kajian selama sepuluh minggu bermula dengan praujian pada minggu pertama diikuti pengajaran mengguna pendekatan konstruktivisme selama lapan minggu; dan pascaujian pada minggu ke sepuluh. Kajian melibatkan pengembangan kurikulum Sains Tahun 5 sekolah rendah. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANCOVA dengan skor praujian sebagai kovariat. Kajian mendapati penguasaan kemahiran proses sains murid-murid yang diajar menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivisme adalah lebih baik berbanding murid murid-murid yang diajar menggunakan pendekatan sedia ada yang biasa digunakan oleh guru-guru. Perbezaan adalah signifikan pada p.. 1024 hits |
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