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Simplified search suggestions : Afiqah Sabariah binti Khalidar
A comparison of curriculum structure TCSL teacher education programs in Malaysia
Afiqah Sabariah binti Khalidar
Teacher’s education is significant in producing a competent teacher to teach effectively. Thus the design of the curriculum structure is important to prepare prospective teachers to be equipped with the relevant subject matter knowledge and pedagogical skills. This article aims to provide a review and comparison analyses of two teaching Chinese as a second language (TCSL) pre-service teacher education programs. The study identifies the differences and similarities between two TCSL programs namely the Bachelor Degree in Education (Chinese Language Education for Primary School-PISMP-SK) conducted in IPGM (Institute of Teacher Education Malaysia) and Bachelor Degree in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSLB) which is conducted in Beijing Foreign Studies University, China (BFSU). Documentary study is adopted to identify thesimilarities and differences in the curriculum structure of PISMP-SK and TCSLB Chinese language programs. Analysis show that both programs consist of core course.....

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