UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)
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Total records found : 106 |
Simplified search suggestions : Omar Ani |
1 | 2019 thesis | Hybrid watermark techniques for skin cancer images Omar Adil Dheyab The aims of this study are to reveal the potentials of digital watermarking in medical data
management issues, and proposes a hybrid watermark technique for skin cancer to enforce integrity,
authenticity and confidentiality of the medical information. Dermoscopic image dataset (PH2) was
used for testing purpose, which includes 200 different images. The hybrid watermark is proposed
based on chaotic embedding. The hybrid watermarking includes robust and fragile watermarks embedded
in the region of non interest of the image. The robust watermark utilizes the discrete wavelet
transform to hide the patient information in the frequency domain. The fragile watermark utilizes
the least significant bit to hide the authentication data in the spatial domain. The findings of
this study shows high watermarked image quality and promising robustness under different attacks,
and when compared with other techniques including discrete cosine transform and 2LSB. The Peak
Signa..... 4952 hits |
2 | 2010 thesis | Kesan penggunaan komputer dalam pembelajaran prinsip perakaunan Siti Habidah Omar The application of computer in education has become very important and has a great impact in teaching. Students can develop their creativity and innovative strength and also becoming more skillful in using technology with more interactive and enjoyable learning environment. The main purpose of the study is to compare the using of Excel Program (interactive learning) to the traditional approach in the teaching and learning of accounting on academic performance. The study also identifies students’ perception regarding to the effectiveness of the implementation of using Excel Program (interactive learning) on students’ interest, skill and confidence on accounting subject. The method used in this study is quasi experiment involving 60 students from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sultanah Asma, Alor Star Kedah. The students were divided into two groups; experiment group and control group. After learning sessions, the students were given achievement test. Questionnaires were delivered to ex..... 2979 hits |
3 | 2007 thesis | Amalan pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sains menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivisme 5- fasa needham dalam kalangan guru KPLI Azman Omar The main purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of Needham’s Five Phase Constructivism Teaching Model in teaching and learning science by teachers graduated from Teachers Institute in secondary school. The instruments used in this study are the questionnaire, an observation checklist and semi-structured interview. The respondents of this study consist of teachers who have a Post Graduate Teacher Course (KPLI) from the Teacher’s Institute. They are currently serving in the district of Besut and Setiu in Terengganu. The quantitative data was processed by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS Version 13.0 for Windows). The finding of this study indicated that the usage of the Needham’s Five Phases Constructivism model is still at moderate level with mean average at 3.76. The teaching and learning process is still obviously teacher’s centered. There are various obstacles that lead to the inability of respondents implementing the Needham’s Five Phase C..... 4515 hits |
4 | 2010 monograph | Kajian penyesuaian program pengajian UPSI dengan bidang pekerjaan (graduan 1999-2009) Kasa Zakaria, Ibrahim Mohamad, Kahar Mohd Ramli Buyong, Dawi Amir Hasan, Hashim Ahmad, Che Omar Che Mohd Zulkifli, Che Ngah Mohamad Suhaily Yusri, Oth Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti kesesuaian program pengajian yang ditawarkan oleh UPSI dengan bidang pekerjaan. Lapan aspek yang dilihat ialah kesediaan graduan UPSI meneruskan pengajian diperingkat lebih tinggi, kesesuaian program UPSI dengan keperluan bidang keguruan, pandangan graduan terhadap pelaksanaan kokurikulum, kesesuaian kokurikulum dengan keperluan sekolah, kesediaan graduan bekerja sebagai guru atau bukan guru di luar Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM), kesesuaian program pengajian UPSI dengan keperluan semasa bidang keguruan mengikut pandangan majikan guru, kesesuaian prasarana dan kemudahan untuk program pengajian mengikut pandangan pensyarah dan kesesuaian graduan bekerja diluar bidang keguruan mengikut pandangan majikan bukan guru. Kajian ini dijalankan dalam bentuk tinjauan dengan menggunakan soal selidik untuk mendapatkan data daripada graduan yang bergraduat dari tahun 1999 hingga 2009 (populasi 14,942, sampel 1500 dan 80% memberi maklumbalas), majikan ..... 19035 hits |
5 | 2017 article | The impact of multiple factors in teachers job satisfaction Che Mohd Zulkifli Che Omar Job Satisfaction is a multi dimensional phenomenon as it is related to multiple factors, those which have certain profound impact upon the teacher community. The foremost are the certain glaring factors those which strongly bracketed with the phenomenon of job satisfaction categorically which includes: work, pay , promotion supervision co workers and work environment.The teacher’s demography has a strong bond with the concerned teacher who is satisfies or not due to the same... 546 hits |
6 | 2019 article | Compensation and benefit key reason employees retain in the organization Che Mohd Zulkifli bin Che Omar There is a huge literature on copensation and benafit offered y the organization nowadays. As there are limited numbers of candidates that can fulfill the requirement and fit with the organization strategy, most of the organization tends to compete one to another by providing better compensation and benefit which can satisfy the employee's needs and wants... 887 hits |
7 | 2006 thesis | Sebutan bahasa Melayu baku dalam kalangan penutur satu kajian kes Ahmad Omar Kajian ini dilakukan melalui kaedah kajian kes berbentuk analisis dan kajian
kepustakaan. Kajian ini melibatkan sampel yang terdiri daripada 28 orang responden Tingkatan 4
Pengajian Kejuruteraan Elektrik 2 di Sekolah Menengah Teknik Dungun, KM 5, Jalan Paka, 23000
Dungun, Terengganu.
Kajian kes difokuskan terhadap aspek sebutan bahasa Melayu baku responden melalui sesi pembentangan
tugasan yang diberikan oleh pengkaji. Pembentangan responden dirakam dan dianalisis mengikut bunyi
sebutan berdasarkan Daftar Umum Sebutan Baku Bahasa Melayu terbitan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1991.
Kajian Kepustakaan pula dilakukan untuk mencari fakta-fakta yang releven untuk menyokong dapatan
dan kajian kes.
Hasil kajian membuktikan terdapat hubungan yang signifikin antara kelemahan sebutan responden yang
disebabkan oleh pengaruh dialek tempatan, kelemahan sebutan yang disebabkan proses peleburan
terhadap setengah-setengah perkataan dan kel..... 3238 hits |
8 | 2014 monograph | Kajian keberkesanan perlaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual KBSR Hassan Iberahim, Hj.Arshad Mohd Zaihidee, Ibrahim Md.Nasir, Omar Jamilah, 7836 hits |
9 | 2003 monograph | Kualiti perkhidmatan di sekolah berasrama penuh di negeri Perak Yeop Yunus Nek Kamal, Abdull Kareem Omar, Abdullah Muhammad Khairuddin Lim, Mohamad Yusof Abdul Raheem, Yonus @ Ahmad Azita, 11822 hits |
10 | 2016 thesis | Analisis penyumbang terhadap amalan pengintegrasian ICT dalam kalangan guru sekolah rendah Muhammad Ismail Omar Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang menyumbang kepada amalan pengintegrasian ICT dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) guru sekolah rendah. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif berasaskan rekabentuk tinjauan. Populasi kajian terdiri daripada guru-guru di sekolah rendah di Terengganu. Seramai 222 orang guru telah dipilih sebagai sampel dalam kajian ini. Pemilihannya dibuat secara persampelan rawak berstrata. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap pengintegrasian ICT dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran guru termasuk penyediaan bahan, pelaksanaan dalam bilik darjah adalah tahap sederhana tetapi dalam aspek komunikasi adalah rendah. Sungguhpun kesediaan guru dari aspek perspektif umum terhadap ICT, matlamat mengintegrasikan ICT dan motivasi guru adalah pada tahap tinggi. Namun begitu kesediaan dari aspek luaran seprti latihan pengintegrasian ICT, kemahiran ICT, sumberICT dan sokongan pentadbir adalah pada tahap sederhana. Aspek kebimbangan guru dalam pengintegra..... 3784 hits |
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