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Simplified search suggestions : Alhosani Khalaf Abdulla
The impacts of self-service technology adoption attributes on customer satisfaction in Abu Dhabi distribution company (ADDC)
Alhosani, Khalaf Abdulla
This study aimed to determine the impact of the self-service technology (SST) adoption attributes, namely ease of use, reliability, readiness, and interactivity, on customer satisfaction towards governmental services in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This study adopted a quantitative approach. A sample consisted of 385 customers of Abu Dhabi Distribution Company (ADDC), which were selected using simple random sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire as a research instrument and analysed using multiple linear regression. At the significance level of 0.05, the findings revealed SST reliability (β= -0.113, p=0.045) and interactivity of SST (β=0.302, p=0.000) as significant predictors of customer satisfaction. In particular, the effect of SST reliability on customer satisfaction is negative, while the effect of SST interactivity is positive. The SST ease of use (β=0.034, p=0.549), and SST readiness (β=-0.044, p=0.422) do not significantly affect customer satisfac.....

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