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Simplified search suggestions : Tang Sok Bee
Faktor tumpuan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran mata pelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual : kajian pada pelajar tingkatan 4, SMKSR, Melaka
Salsabila Tang Abdullah
Kajian ini merupakan kajian kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk memberi penerangan dan mengenalpasti faktor-faktor ketidak memberi tumpuan dalam pengajaran dan pernbelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual bagi pelajar tingkatan 4 Perdangangan tahun 2005 di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sungai Rambai, Melaka. Kajian memfokuskan kepada beberapa aspek seperti fasiliti studio, pendekatan dan kaedah pengajaran pembelajaran, kesediaan pelajar, status sosioekonomi dan sikap pelajar terhadap mata pelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual. Manfaat kajian adalah untuk penambahan ilmu pengetahuan termasuk memberi maklumat-maklurnat baru, memperoleh hubungan-hubungan dan pertalian-pertalian baru, verifikasi ilmu pengetahuan untuk tujuan pengesahan, memahami, menjangka sesuatu hasil. Subjek kajian 30 orang pelajar dan penyelidik membina gambaran holistik, menganalisis, membuat laporan terperinci berdasarkan pandangan pemberi maklumat dalam fenomena scbenar. Alat digunakan untuk mengumpul data-data maklumat iaitu temubual.....

636 hits

A conceptual framework for mitigating graduate employment problems
Al Nejam Amer, Tang Alicia Yee Chong, Ahmed Mohd Sharifuddin, Al-Masri Osama,
1933 hits

Kontekstualisasi Islam dari perspektif moderasi, sekularisme dan ekstrimisme dalam proses kemerdekaan Indonesia dan Malaysia
Abdullah A Rahman Tang, Mohd Shah Amirruddin,
1344 hits

The effects of simulation towards english verbal communication skills of coaching program studnts
Tang, Tsiao Yin
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kesan simulasi terhadap kemahiran  komunikasi verbal bahasa  Inggeris  pelajar  program  kejurulatihan.  Kajian  ini  menggunakan  reka  bentuk  kuasi  eksperimen. Kajian ini dijalankan pada 58 orang pelajar program kejurulatihan semester 4 di sebuah  universiti pendidikan di Perak di mana 29 pelajar terlibat sebagai kumpulan kawalan dan 29 pelajar  terlibat sebagai kumpulan eksperimen. Data dikumpul melalui pra ujian dan pasca  ujian,  temu   bual,  pemerhatian,  jurnal  reflektif  dan  borang  maklum  balas.  Sebanyak enam  intervensi   simulasi  dijalankan  dalam  enam  minggu  dan  satu  temu  bual  secara  semi struktur  dijalankan   untuk  menilai  pandangan  pelajar  terhadap  penggunaan  simulasi  dalam pengajaran  kemahiran   komunikasi  verbal.  Keputusan  pra  ujian  dan  pasca  ujian  dianalisis dengan program SPSS  menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial. Dapa.....

555 hits

The realtionship between knowledge, attitudes and practices of university female basketball athletes in Malaysia on anterior cruciate ligament injury
Tang, Ivie Chui Wen
Introduction: Basketball was the first women's team sport, and early supporters were associated with YMCAs and universities around the country, and the sport swiftly expanded across the country. However, female basketball athletes are more likely to get an ACL injury since the majority of leaping, non-contact ACL injuries happen between 0 and 30 degrees of knee flexion. Aim: The goal of this study was to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours of public university female basketball athletes on ACL injury risks and prevention. Methodology: A descriptive study was done among female basketball around public universities in Malaysia. N= 101, female basketball athletes and must represent university clubs at least once are the criteria of respondents. All qualified respondents were asked to answer KAP questionnaire by Iversen, M.D., & Friden, C. (2009). All collected data then analysed using SPSS software. Result: The result shows majority respondents do not ha.....

511 hits

Sentiment analysis for social media by using SVM
Tang, Li Ping
This project attempts to assist educators in analysing the sentiment of Malay social media posts. The output from the sentiment can be used to enhance their teaching and learning activities. In this project, training and testing data was acquired from Husein in 2018, the Malay Stopwords List that used in data preprocessing stage was based on the research of Fatimah Ahmad (1995). All datasets need to be prepared using preprocessing, including tokenization, stop word removal, lower casing, removing numbers, and removing punctuations. Then the TF-IDF vectorization method was used. In this project, we implemented Support Vector Machine (SVM). The performance of trained models were evaluated using Confusion Matrix and Evaluation Matrix. From the experiment this project tends to produce 93% accuracy, 92% for prediction and 92% for recall...

186 hits

Perceived risks and its effect on mobile shopping behaviour among UTAR students
Tang, Sok Bee
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of perceived risks on mobile shopping behaviour among UTAR students. The risk perceptions being examined are product performance risk, health risk, time risk, financial risk, security risk and social risk. An online survey form was used for the purpose of data collection using purposive sampling. Upon sending emails to 900 students, 405 questionnaires were collected with response rate of 45.11%. A five-point Likert scale questionnaire was employed during the data collection process. Two experts have validated the instrument used and the reliability test of Cronbach Alpha coefficients were between α = 0.637 to 0.839. The data collected were quantitatively analysed using SPSS version 24 and AMOS version 22 software. The results showed that product performance risk (β = -0.638, p= 0.000), time risk (β = -5.715, p = 0.010), financial risk (β = -9.768, p = 0.024) and security risk (β = -4.453, p = 0.034) have significant r.....

72 hits

Peran Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat dan Institusi Pendidikan Tari dalam proses pewarisan tari klasik gaya Yogyakarta
Saearani, Muhammad Fazli Taib
The identity of a nation can be more prominent through artwork inheritance as the core of culture that has uniqueness and its distinctive characteristics. This research aims to study the role of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat palace, formal educational institutions, and non-formal education institutions in inheritance Yogyakarta Classical Dance Style (TKGY). It is viewed from the process and the method of inheritance as well as aesthetic value which become the contribution of the institution in inheritance of (TKGY). The theory used in this study such as theory of The Sociology of Art by Arnold Hauser (1985) to explore the institutions and the processes of Yogyakarta Classical Dance Style inheritance, the theory of institutions by S. Tang (2011) and B.J. Handerson with the theory of the role in (1997), and etnochoreology theory by Gertrude Prokosh (1960) to explore the textual form of dance based on the value practice and best practice. This study uses a multi-disciplinary approach from the.....

6290 hits

Aesthetics of life in landscape poetry by Nam Chou Poets (1973-1990)
Foo, Ai Peng
The classical landscape poetry has its own function of aesthetics of life according to the traditional Chinese literary criticism. This thesis explores the structure of aesthetics of life of the contemporary classical landscape poetry created by the Nam Chou Poetry Anthology in Malaysia from 1973 to 1990. To expose the nature of the structure, this thesis also indicates it from the perspective of aesthetics of life of Tang's landscape poetry. Throughout the study, the implication of the Nam Chou Poetry's landscape poetry can be divided thematically into three phases: the Autumn Period (1973), the Mount and Water Period (1974-1980), and the Mount Period (1981-1990). However, the nature of the whole landscape poetries can be aesthetically summarized as quite similar to the leisure poetry of the great landscape poet in the Tang, Bai Juyi (772-846), which is smooth and graceful in feeling and its beauty, plain and fascinating. In a nutshell, for the Nam Chou Poetry's poets, landscape poetr.....

1575 hits

Some observations on glass beads composition in Sarawak, Singapore and Peninsula Malaysia
Ramli Zuliskandar, Nik Abd. Rahman Nik Hassan Shuhaimi, Jusoh Adnan, Sauman Yunus,
Since a great contribution by Beck in 1930’s in studying beads especially in Southeast Asia region, a few other scholars have been encouraged to study the beauty of beads typologically and scientifically. Lamb for example has published several articles on beads in Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. Lamb also analyzed scientifically several beads from Kuala Selinsing, Pengkalan Bujang and Takuapa and demonstrated their compositional data. Tom Harrison, who has done a wonderful job on Sarawak beads also reported in his article, a research on Kuala Selinsing glass beads, Bukit Maras, Santubong associated with Tang and Song ceramics and a Buddha Gupta sculpture and also glass beads worn by Kelabit people. These beads have been analyzed scientifically and the result showed that Kuala Selinsing glass beads have a different compositional content with the Santubong glass beads and also Kelabit glass beads. Harrison suggested that glass beads from Kelabit have Chinese origin based o.....

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