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Publisher: Fakulti Muzik dan Seni Persembahan (283 items)
261The impact of popular music on primary music education: a comparative study of chinese and Malaysian teachers’ perspectivesarticle
262The instrument as instrumental: Pgaz kNyau Bamboo Musicking and Karen Eco-Friendlinessarticle
263The learning stages of Ngroncongi/Undul Usuk: achieving the original solo keroncong singing stylearticle
264The mutual influence between Asian cultures and American minimalist Music: an essential channel for aesthetic exchangearticle
265The role of teachers in the implementation of primary school music curriculum: strategies for enhancing music aesthetic educationarticle
266The transformation of Latar Tirai in bangsawan Tengku Anum (2002) Istana Budayaarticle
267The Use of ‘Teacher in Role to Facilitate Teaching and Learning of History: Lessons in a Primary School article
268The use of teacher role to facilitate teaching and learning of history lessons in primary schoolresearch_report
269Theatre in education: the implementation of improvisation in dialogue pronunciation technique in teaching article
270Tingkah laku pelajar dalam proses penyediaan tugasan kajian rekaan seni visual (KRSV) thesis
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