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Publisher: Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi (1087 items)
351Impak pandemik COVID-19 terhadap bidang bahasa, sastera dan budaya di Malaysiaarticle
352Implementation of the 21st century learning in learning and facilitation of Thirukkural in Tamil Primary Schoolsarticle
353Implementing collaborative writing to enhance students writing thesis
354Implementing task-based learning to improve ESL learners speaking skills in a primary DLP science classroomthesis
355Implications of critical discourse analysis in teaching and learning Tamil in the context of Malaysian higher education thesis
356Implikasi pengayaan dan pembelajaran pantun terhadap perkembangan kognitif murid sekolah rendaharticle
357Implikasi perbezaan I\Rab terhadap makna ayat Al-Quran dalam surah Ali Imranthesis
358Improving ESL Studentsarticle
359Improving reading skills through effective reading strategiesarticle
360In-service teachers\ familiarisation of the cefr-aligned school-based assessment in the Malaysian secondary ESL classroom article
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