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Publisher: Fakulti Muzik dan Seni Persembahan (285 items)
1 Calung Banyumasan borderland identity through the lens of Musical Techniquearticle
2 Gender differences in the function of Music for emotion regulation development in everyday life an experience sampling method studyarticle
3 Seni sebagai terapi banduan melalui program kreatif seni di penjara Malaysiaarticle
4A beginner flute method book using Malaysian folk songs thesis
5A case for rote learning: conserving the ramwong saxophone culture of Suntarapornarticle
6A Delphi study of effective practices for determining the competencies of elementary music teachersarticle
7A kodaly based music teaching sequence for teaching singing to year one pupils in a Malaysian Chinese primary schoolthesis
8A new citation concept: triangular citation in the literature article
9A study of music performance self-efficacy amongst students participating in music festivalsthesis
10A study on phycho-ecological interaction in the transformation of Xiangxi Miao Drum Dancethesis
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