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Subject: J Political Science (29 items)
11Exploring the entrepreneurial intention of female university studentsarticle
12Kaedah al tikrar dalam membantu penguasaan membaca doa harian dalam kalangan kanak-kanak tadikaarticle
13Media baharu dan aktiviti politik belia Melayu di Selangorarticle
14Negotiating identity using Bicultural Identity Integration Model : the Bawean in Malay constructarticle
15Pemerolehan AL-ḌAMīR dalam ayat nominatif bahasa arab pelajar UiTM Perlisthesis
16Penstrukturan yuran institusi pra sekolah : model pelbagai kriteriathesis
17Performance in enhancement of microfluidic-based capacitive pressure sensorthesis
18Perubahan pendapatan dan perbelanjaan kesan daripada program pembangunan kerajaan di kawasan masyarakat pesisir pantai daerah Besut,Terengganuthesis
19Teaching Arabic for medical professionals (A book published by King Saud University-1997) (Survey, analytical and evaluative study)article
20The concepts of Ta'abudi and Ma'qulatul Al-Makna and its implementation in the Islamic finance and halal industries: An analysis based on Shafie school of law`s methodologyarticle
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