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Subject: LC Special aspects of education (167 items)
11Aplikasi persekitaran pengajaran maya (Frog VLE) dalam kalangan guru Sains article
12Bentuk pendidikan secara nonformal dan informal yang berlaku ke atas peranan kurator dan kuratorial BSVN thesis
13Cabaran dan peluang penambahbaikan On-The-Job Training di Kolej Vokasional Negeri Kedah dan Perlisthesis
14Challenges faced by preschool teachers in implementing physical activity during home-based teaching and learning article
15Challenges of COVID-19 Crisis on Malaysias education sectorarticle
16Computer technology integration and teachers knowledge and self-efficacy: barriers and promise article
17Controlling inappropriate sexual behaviour among autism spectrum disorder teenagers using virtual social storythesis
18Culture of poverty among the poor Malays in Seri Medan subdistrict of Batu Pahat, Johor article
19Delivery of sexuality education to students with intellectual disabilities in secondary schools: educators perspective article
20Design, implementation and evaluation of a serious game for obesity prevention among preschool childrenarticle
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