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Subject: NX Arts in general (25 items)
11Installation colour, space and environment article
12Investigate the level of awareness and acceptance of social commentary art among the public in the arab regionarticle
13Issue and problems in art criticims in Malaysia: a need assessment analysesarticle
14Kebudayaan Pahang dalam alaf baru conference_item
15Kerangka konseptual reka bentuk emoji untuk poster kesedaran dalam bentuk media bercetakarticle
16Mughal miniature painting: an analytical study of the Akbars Ramayanaarticle
17Murals as a tourism strategy: a case study of Teluk Intan, Perakarticle
18Navigating the fine line between plagiarism and artistic inspiration in Dawid Enoch's artworksarticle
19Nilai-nilai perwatakan Melayu dalam imej warna: satu penelitian Etnografi seni conference_item
20Pendekatan Guru Pendidikan Seni Visual mengadaptasi elemen dan prinsip seni Islam dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visualthesis
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