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Subject: V Naval Science (249 items)
241The selected physical fitness field tests for youth rugby player: validity and reliabilityarticle
242Tren jenayah harta benda di Malaysia: kajian di Selangor dan Kuala Lumpurarticle
243Tret personaliti terhadap prestasi kerja dalam kalangan pegawai sukan di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysiaarticle
244UITMs student knowledge, attitude and practice towards mental healtharticle
245Validation of Inventory Responses-oMR (IR-oMR) towards the Self- Assesment Instrument of Outdoor Competency (OCL-oMR) among the Co-curriculum center coaches in Malaysiaarticle
246Validity and reliability of handball cognitive assessment instrument for year 4 use of rasch modelarticle
247Validity and reliability of healthy lifestyle questionnaire among adolescents in Terengganuarticle
248Validity and reliability of psychological characteristics questionnaire in Malaysian male talented football playersarticle
249Validity and reliability of the health education assessment module (MoPPK) among Primary Students in Malaysia article
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