UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)

Subject: Q Science (General) (457 items)
31A systematic review of remote laboratory work in science education with the support of visualizing its structure through the histcite and citespace software (IR)article
32A systematic review on smartphone skin cancer apps: coherent taxonomy, motivations, open challenges and recommendations, and new research direction (IR)article
33A technological acceptance of remote laboratory in chemistry education (IR)article
34A test of analytical thinking and chemical representation ability on rate of reaction topicarticle
35Absorption characteristics of napa soil as congo red dye adsorbent in solution with continuous systemarticle
36Accuracy of implicit dimsims with extrapolationarticle
37Acetylcholinesterase activity of crude extracts and flavonoids from Artocarpus anisophyllus Miq. and Artocarpus lowii Kingarticle
38Adsorption effect of NO2 on ZnO (100 nm) nanowires, leading towards reduced reverse leakage current and voltage enhancementarticle
39Adsorption effect of oxygen on ZnO Nanowires (100 nm) leading towards pronounced edge effects and voltage enhancementarticle
40Aeroallergen sensitizations with special reference to fungi sensitization among the community of Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysiaarticle
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