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Subject: HB Economic Theory (190 items)
1 The impact of economic policy uncertainty on business transaction credit supplyarticle
2A conceptual model of stock market efficiency: does economic uncertainty matter? article
3A cybergogy model for promoting financial literacy among secondary school studentsarticle
4A modified Currency Demand Function and the Malaysian shadow economy: evidence from ARDL bounds testing approacharticle
5A review of IPO underpricing: evidences from developed, developing and emerging marketsarticle
6Active learning in Economic subject: a case study at secondary schoolarticle
7Amalan pengurusan perniagaan usahawan tani IKS bumiputera: satu kajian kes di negeri Terengganu article
8Amanah Pelaburan Hartanah Islam (I-REIT) di Malaysia analisis hubungan keseimbangan dengan pemboleh ubah makroekonomi article
9An analysis on the implementation of professional learning communities in Malaysian secondary schoolsarticle
10An ARDL Approach on Crude Oil Price and Macroeconomic Variablesarticle
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