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Year: 2021 (1602 items)
1511The trend of Body Mass Index (BMI) changes among malaysian children and the prediction at 48 months old article
1512The usability of CK-12 application in teaching and learning in 21st century for topic statistics among form 4 students in USJ, Subang Jaya article
1513The usability of i-suyyah: a mobile tourism application for Arab tourists in Malaysia article
1514The Use of audiovisual media in learning and Its impact on learning outcomes of Islamic cultural history at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 4 Pasamanarticle
1515The use of imported CEFR-aligned English language textbooks in Malaysian schools: issues and concerns article
1516The use of iPad for Calculus class in higher education: Notability Application article
1517The use of movies in teaching vocabulary in ESL Classroom:a case studythesis
1518The use of multimedia courseware in teaching sign language to hearing impaired students article
1519The use of peer instruction in a flipped learning environment in teaching ESL students argumentative essay writingthesis
1520The use of whatsapp in enhancing learners oral communicative competencethesis
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