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Year: 2021 (1602 items)
1531Tomato peel-cutin based film mitigates the deterioration of calamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa)conference_item
1532Towards a unified criteria model for usability evaluation in the context of open source software based on a fuzzy Delphi method article
1533Towards a value creation model of consumer buying behaviour in the Philippines pop music industryarticle
1534Towards eco-friendly responsibilities: Indonesia field school model cross reviewarticle
1535Towards innovation beyond education and society:rethinking current research for future directionarticle
1536Towards the ecotourism development: opportunities and challenges in Delft Island, Jaffna District- Sri Lankaarticle
1537Towards the feasibility of instituting a Philippine digital audio library: a case studyarticle
1538Traditional uses, chemical profile and biological activities of piper hispidum sw: a review article
1539Traffic flow prediction in urban area using inverse approach of chaos theoryarticle
1540Training and supervision as predictors of business teachers job performance for policy and practice in Nigerian secondary schoolsarticle
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