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Year: 2021 (1602 items)
1541Translating malay compounds into arabic based on dynamic theory and arabization method article
1542Translation and validation of the Treatment Motivation Questionnaire (TMQ) to Malay Version article
1543Transmitted water disease, assessment of immunopathogenesis of chronic hepatitis b and the carrier state of disease article
1544Trend analysis of rainfall in the Northern region of Sri Lanka from 1970 to 2019article
1545Tropical seasonal changes impact on hematological parameters of goatsarticle
1546Tugasan seni terapeutik dalam meningkatkan tahap keyakinan diri murid di Sekolah Rendaharticle
1547Two early 19th-century Malay documents from Cabauarticle
1548Typology of vaccine refusals on facebook in Malaysia article
1549Ultrasonic transducer tuning using wafer bonding method article
1550Ultrasonic-assisted rapid extraction of cassia sieberiana D.C.: a box-behnken design process optimisation article
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