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Year: 2009 (83 items)
11Determination of glutamate in food samples by heterogeneous membrane with chitosan as ionophore article
12Development of modules featuring accompanied video by using scientic calculator monograph
13Distributive justice and the effect of benefit types on job performance within federal GLC in Sarawak, Malaysia article
14Efikasi kendiri kaunseling kaunselor pelatih UPSI : satu tinjauan monograph
15English morpheme acquisition order of Malay secondary school students thesis
16Faktor-faktor mempengaruhi minat pelajar pendidikan seni visual terhadap kraf ukiran kayuthesis
17Group Theory analysis and formulation in rationalizing the crystallographic point groups monograph
18Hubungan gaya pembelajaran, kemahiran belajar dan pencapaian bahasa Malaysia dalam kalangan pelajar tingkatan empat thesis
19Hubungan kefahaman bacaan program NILAM dengan prestasi pencapaian bahasa Melayu pelajar tahun 6thesis
20Hubungan kefahaman bacaan program nilam dengan prestasi pencapaian Bahasa Melayu pelajar tahun 6 thesis
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