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Year: 2022 (755 items)
371Kurikulum pendidikan sekolah Melayu era kolonial British, 1900-1957thesis
372LABSYS: Online School Laboratory Management System for secondary schoolsfinal_year_project
373Laman arca connecting the public sculpture experience through a cloud based systemarticle
374Latihan kod tangan bahasa isyarat sebagai program intervensi awal bagi murid kurang upaya pendegaran tahun 1 di Ipoh, Perak satu kajian kesarticle
375Learning management in virtual classroom: a phenomenologyarticle
376Lifestyle of Ancient Peoples in Kalithokaiarticle
377Literasi istilah geografi dalam kalangan mahasiswa Geografi, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI)article
378Living is a way of thinking On the Study of Sim Mow Yu’s diaries: chapter of Life by Ho Khai Leongarticle
379Local government system in Nigeria legal fiscal and political overviewarticle
380Loganathan and Sivakumar’s Baum Test a psychodiagnostic tool to identify internet addictionarticle
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