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Year: 2009 (83 items)
1A case study into understanding transformational leadership in selected schools in Malaysia monograph
2A study on the teaching of Mathematics and Science in English : language competencies perspective monograph
3Amalan kesantunan berbahasa di sekolah monograph
4Analisis kesesuaian pemilihan teks bagi genre cerpen dan novel komponen sastera dalam pendidikan Bahasa Melayu monograph
5Buku panduan guru untuk mengajar elemen irama melalui permainan Kertok thesis
6Construction of English grammar syllabus : focus on the construction of simple sentences monograph
7Cooperative group work as a stimulus to enhance narrative essay writingthesis
8Cooperative learning versus the lecture method of instruction in an introductory statistics course article
9Coordination chemistry of the benzaldehyde−(1r)−(-)−fenchone azine and derivatives fench=nn=c(h)−c6 h4 x (x = h, cl, br, ome or no2 in the meta or para positions) with palladium article
10Corporate diversification and performance article
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