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The effects of task-based language teaching and audio-lingual teaching approach in mandarin learning motivation
Wen, Chua Hui
This study investigates the effects of Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) and the Audio-Lingual Teaching Approach (ALTA) on learning motivation among non-native Mandarin learners in the Teaching of Mandarin as a Third Language (TMTL). The TBLT applied is an adaptation of Willis's TBL Framework, while the ALTA applied is an adaptation of Sar?�oban's dialogue memorisation. A quasi-experimental design was used in this study, with 21 students selected through convenience sampling for TBLT and 22 students for ALTA. Motivational Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) was employed. A descriptive analysis was conducted to compare if any changes in learning motivation and learning anxiety components for both groups before and after TBLT and ALTA were adopted in the learning interventions. The descriptive analysis showed that there were changes in the aspect of learning motivation and learning anxiety component. The result indicated that there was an increment in the number of students .....

5125 hits

The effects of study skills training on qualitative academic achievement among students
Saeid Motevalli
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of study skills training on the qualitative academic achievement of girl high school students. This study was conducted by using an experimental design with pretest, posttest, and follow-up with the control group. The participants were 32 students from girl high school students of Tehran which were selected by cluster random sampling from girl high schools and then randomly assigned into control and experimental groups (Each group consisted of 16 students). The instruments used were Dortaj Qualitative Academic Achievement Questionnaire and Motevalli Study Skills Training Module. The experimental group received 8 sessions of psycho-educational group therapy and the control group did not receive any training. Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA was utilized for the analysis of data. Results revealed that there was a significant increase in qualitative academic achievement between pretest with post-test and follow-up among the .....

645 hits

The effects of loadings during forward lunge on force output in dominant and non-dominant leg
Ali Md Nadzalan
The aim of this study was to determine and compare the force output during lunge exercises with different loadings; i) high load forward lunge (70% 1RM) and ii) low load forward lunge (30% 1RM). Thirty recreationally active, untrained men were recruited and were assigned to perform forward lunge with 70% 1RM (70FL) and 30% 1RM (30FL) with both their dominant and non-dominant leg. For both dominant and non-dominant leg, all the force variables during 70FL were significantly greater compared to 30FL. Results also showed that time to peak force and stance time was significantly shorter during 30FL compared to 70FL. Besides that, all the force variables were greater in the dominant limb compared to the non-dominant limb. Time to peak force and stance time were also shorter in dominant limb compared to the non-dominant limb. As the conclusion, assymetries exist among untrained men during forward lunge exercise for both low loads and high loads. ? Published under licence by IOP Publishing Lt.....

283 hits

The effects of learning integrals and its application using ti-nspire Cx graphing calculator\s towards mathematics pre-service teachers\ mathematical reasoning
Nor\'ain Mohd Tajudin
Reasoning is critical in learning of mathematics for the reason that it is a basis of mathematical ability and their absence causes students to be unsuccessful and unable to engage in mathematics teaching. Recent technological advancements have opened the way for mathematics educators to use the capabilities of these technology tools in providing teaching and learning to reinforce reasoning skills. This quasi-experimental non-equivalent pre-post-test design study investigated the effectiveness of using TI-Nspire CX graphing calculator's activities in learning Integrals and Application of Integration topic towards mathematics pre-service teachers' mathematical reasoning. A sample of 44 students was randomly chosen to take part in the study such that there are 22 pre-service mathematics teachers in the experimental group and there are 22 pre-service mathematics teachers in the control group. The instrument used for the pre and post- test was the Mathematical Reasoning test (MRT) to measu.....

277 hits

The effects of early literacy module on early literacy skill achievements for nursery children
Juppri Bacotang
The aim of this research was to identify the effects of Early Literacy Module (Modul Lit-A) on the achievement of early literacy skills for Nursery children aged 2+ and 3+. This quantitative approach adopted quasi experimental method which was a pre-post test design for non-balanced groups. The sample of the study involved 95 children aged 2+ and 3+. The children were divided into two groups, namely, treatment group which consisted of 45 children who were taught using Modul Lit-A, and control group which consisted of 50 children who were taught using the conventional method. While the findings showed Modul Lit-A can significantly increase general early literacy skills for the children aged 2+, this may not be the case for children aged 3+. Nevertheless, the findings in terms of the components showed different significant effects of Modul Lit-A according to the children's age. The use of Modul Lit-A showed significant increase for the components of language and communication, print conc.....

574 hits

The effectiveness of circle bar method towards pupils\ performance in the topic of multiplication of two numbers
Raja Noor Farah Azura Raja Maamor Shah
The purpose of this research was to study the effectiveness of Bar Circle method towards achievement of Year 3 pupils in the topic of multiplication. A pre-test and post-test non-equivalent group quasiexperimental design was used. A total of 50 primary pupils enrolled in one of the schools in Perak were chosen for this study. A total of 25 respondents from the treatment group used Bar Circle Method for intervention process whereas 25 respondents from the control group used conventional method in the teaching and learning process. The quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistic and inferential statistic. Based on the independent sample t-test, the mean score of treatment group differed from the mean score of control group significantly [t(48) = 9.535, p < 0.05]. In conclusion, pupils from the treatment group who went through the teaching and learning using Bar Circle Method showed better achievement in the multiplication of two numbers compared to pupils from the controll.....

798 hits

The effectiveness of a STEM-based physics interactive laboratory (I-LAB) module for form four physics students
Wan Nurul Huda Wan Ab Kadir
The STEM-Based Physics Interactive Laboratory (I-LAB) Module is a module which combines Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) elements with Physics Theory and Practical Physics for Form Four physics students. This module also has elements of Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Feedback to enhance the active teaching and learning process. The study examines the effectiveness of the Form Four STEM-Based Physics Interactive Laboratory (I-LAB) Module to enhance Form Four physics students' achievements in Physics subject. A quantitative study was carried out using an experimental method. The instruments used were pretest and posttest for Form Four physics students' achievements in Physics subject. The sample of this study included 60 physics students divided into three groups: a Traditional Physics Laboratory (T-LAB); Form Four STEM-Based Physics Interactive Laboratory with explanation feedback (I-LABP); and Form Four STEM-Based Physics Interactive Laboratory with knowledge o.....

879 hits

The effectiveness of a design thinking tool for the development of creativity in teaching STEM subjects among special needs education teachers
Balakrishnan, Balamuralithara
This study aims to explore the effectiveness of a Design Thinking (DT) tool toward special needs education teachers who taught Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects at the primary level. The impact of the DT tool was explored in the context of lesson plan design for STEM subjects and in the development of creative skills among the special education teachers. Data were elicited from open-ended interviews involving a group of special education teachers who were chosen among the participants of a DT workshop, which was also conducted by the researchers. The findings revealed that the DT tool helped facilitate the teachers to design and develop suitable STEM teaching activities for students with disabilities to learn the subjects effectively. In addition, the DT tool also facilitated the teachers to unleash their creative skills in the teaching process. From the findings, the use of the DT tool has the potential to create a new teaching paradigm for STEM subject.....

392 hits

The effect of wechat-based online instruction on EFL learners\ vocabulary knowledge
Namaziandost, Ehsan
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of online instruction through different mobile applications has become more common in education all over the world. Therefore, this research investigated the potential effects of using WeChat-based online instruction on Iranian EFL learners' vocabulary knowledge. To achieve this objective, 44 Iranian intermediate subjects were picked out among 67 students based on the findings of the Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT). The subjects were then randomly divided into two equal groups: experimental and control. After assigning the subjects to two groups, they were pretested by a vocabulary test. Then, the experimental group received vocabulary instruction using WeChat application, while the control group received a conventional vocabulary instruction. After the instruction, a vocabulary posttest was given to both groups to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. The gathered data were analyzed through independent samples t-test, one-way ANCOVA, and p.....

419 hits

The effect of the network structure and nature of International Production Chains (IPCs) on East Asias trade in automobile industry
Shahrun Nizam Abdul Aziz
This study sought to examine the effect of network structure and nature of IPCs on bilateral trade, with a specific focus on the automobile industry using the panel data methodology. Using the data, a deeper understanding of the determinants behind the development of East Asia?s IPCs in several ways. Firstly, apart from the economic size of the exporting and importing nations, distance, per capita income, FTA, government policies, language, and FDI, it was found that the network structure and the network nature also played a significant role in determining the level of East Asia?s trade in the automobile industry. Specifically, a nation witha high degree of trade integration with its trading partners in IPCs appeared to be poised to increase its exports and imports of automobile products, and the same can be said of a nation with a high dominating power in IPCs. Secondly, it was also found that network structure had an impact on determining the level of automobile trade when we conside.....

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