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Simplified search suggestions : Anwar Farhan Mohamad Marzaini
Assessing CEFR readiness test in Malaysian ESL classroom an insight from englishl language teachers in Pulau Pinang
Anwar Farhan Mohamad Marzaini
Malaysian education has undergone several changes since the implementation of Malaysia Education Blueprint (MEB) 2013-2025. The reformation of MEB has brought Common European Framework of References (CEFR) in Malaysian English Language Teaching (ELT). The implementation of CEFR was perceived as a great platform that can improve the standard of ELT in the country to be at the global standard. Realising this aspiration, the government proposed to relook and redevelop the proficiency among English language teachers. Hence, CEFR-Readiness Test was administered to measure the language proficiency level among the English language teachers in accordance with CEFR level descriptors. This paper will be looking into the awareness and the views of teachers towards the implementation of CEFR-Readiness Test. In addition, this study also will delve into looking at the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) measures that can be taken to improve the CEFR-Readiness Test based on the perspectives of secon.....

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The Teachers professional development in The implementation of CEFR-Aligned classroom based assessment
Anwar Farhan Mohamad Marzaini
The recent implementation of CEFR-aligned Classroom-Based Assessment (CEFR CBA) requires teachers to conduct comprehensive assessments of their students as part of their teaching and learning practises. Regarding this reform, the teachers' professional development (TPD) programme plays a crucial role in ensuring that teachers are well-equipped with the content and pedagogical understanding of the new policy. The TPD becomes an important medium with the aim of enhancing teachers’ professionalism to suit the need of education reform. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of teachers' professional development at the meso (school) and macro (education department) levels by identifying the types of TPD strategies employed by trainers. This study also investigates the challenges preventing the TPD programme from effectively function in disseminating information to teachers. By using the qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews, data was colle.....

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