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Publisher: Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia (1397 items)
1391Verification the reliability and validity of a Malaysian version of rathus assertiveness schedule as drug prevention scalearticle
1392Video application to accomodate students learning style for Moral Education in Teacher Education Institutesarticle
1393Vocabulary knowledge in science learning on childrens development through farming activities in the rural areaarticle
1394We can make it: a probabilistic analysis on the satisfaction in flexible learningarticle
1395What are the problem-solving skills among international postgraduate students at the Universiti Sains Malaysia according to heppner\s assessment?article
1396Whirling into the World: The Duality of Dance Hostesses' Labor and Social Praxis in Postwar Singaporearticle
1397Youtube and Preschoolers: A Narrative Review of Literaturearticle
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