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Publisher: Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi (1077 items)
741Project based learning in teaching Mandarin as foreign language: theory to practice article
742Promoting active learning in the ESL classroom: tertiary level studentsarticle
743Propaganda dan perang dalam era konfrontasi Malaysia-Indonesia, 1963-1966 thesis
744Prose reading:the influence of text- reader factorsarticle
745Proses kreatif dan pemikiran: kajian puisi A. Wahab Ali dan Kemala thesis
746Proses kreatif drama Mana Sikana: satu kajian teksdealisme thesis
747Protes sosial yang digambarkan dalam cerpen Tamil terbitan akhbar Tamil Nesan thesis
748Puisi konkrit satu penelitian berdasarkan pendekatan Semiotikarticle
749Quantum linguistics based semantic processing of Bharathiar poemsarticle
750Raising metacognitive thinking for the learning of English as a second language thesis
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