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Publisher: Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi (1077 items)
871The application of multimedia humor in Malay language narrative writingarticle
872The assimilation of different carbon sources in Candida albicans: fitness and pathogenicityarticle
873The attitude of Malaysian Indian plantation community as portrayed in selected Malaysian Tamil novelsthesis
874The Beauty and benefits of proverbs as a symbol of the mindarticle
875The birth of the glorious Ming books, knowledge production and the formation of dynastic consciousness in the record of heroes and martyrsarticle
876The causes and overuse of Proverbs by women in Kaniyakumari District article
877The Chinese calligrapher to the South: the life experiences of Tsue Ta Tee, migration journey to Penang and his Chinese heritage calligraphy artwork in Penangs public placesarticle
878The Civilized Speech of a Storyteller through the Oral Narrative Awang Batil Performance [Pengucapan Beradab Penglipur Lara melalui Naratif Lisan Persembahan Awang Batil]article
879The comparative effects of L1 equivalent versus contextualized vocabulary instruction: EFL learners vocabulary retention in focusarticle
880The concept of Arabic absorption patterns in Indonesian and Malay languagearticle
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