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Publisher: Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi (1104 items)
921The effect of scaffolding techniques in writing report based on non linear texts thesis
922The effect of semantic mapping strategy training on reading comprehension of scientific texts among matriculation students thesis
923The effect of Smart Interactive Whiteboard in the teaching of vocabulary for guided writing among year five pupilsthesis
924The effect of strategy training in the comprehension of academic reading materialsthesis
925The effect of teacher self-disclosure in improving ESL undergraduates argumentative essaysthesis
926The effect written retelling strategy on reading comprehension for primary ESL learnersthesis
927The effectiveness of contextual learning in writing among young ESL students thesis
928The effectiveness of cooperative learning in improving reading comprehension among ESL students : a case studythesis
929The effectiveness of E-AlMunawwar as an interactive tool for learning Arabic Language in Universiti Malaysia Kelantanarticle
930The effectiveness of graphic organizers in comprehending literary textsthesis
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