UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)

Faculty: Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi (940 items)
921Unsur-unsur kebudayaan masyarakat India dalam cerpen-cerpen terpilih karya Saroja Theavy Balakrishnan dan Uthaya Sankar SBthesis
922Usage of speech act of request among Iraqi male and female undergraduate EFL studentsarticle
923Use of word recognition skills in improving year five pupils identification of English words at a rural Tamil school. (IR)thesis
924Using comics in teaching and learning Tamil grammararticle
925Using Facebook in learning literature among lower secondary school ESL studentsthesis
926Using literary text to foster vocabulary acquisition: a case study on the relationship between reading and writing (IR)thesis
927Using model essays to improve students' writing (IR)thesis
928Using process approach to enhance writing ability of form three students of SMK Trolak (IR)thesis
929Using short stories to enchance English speaking skills of year three Tamil school pupils : a case studythesis
930Using WhatsApp to promote ESL students’ writingarticle
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