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Publisher: Fakulti Komputeran dan META-Teknologi (22 items)
1A review of social media applications in educationthesis
2A teaching and learning framework for transdisciplinary design studies in the virtual reality learning environmentthesis
3A web based athletes assistantthesis
4Classgrid: timetabling system using genetic algorithmfinal_year_project
5Development of I-Complain@META: a complaint management system for FKMT students using naive bayes classification algorithmfinal_year_project
6Effects of ettention guidance in virtual reality lab for digital camera course on students cognitive load, academic performance and experimental timethesis
7Evaluating the usability of FTMSK online test system using shackel\s modelthesis
8Faktor pengaruh penerimaan gamifikasi aplikasi Kahoot dalam kalangan pelajar kaunselingthesis
9Garis panduan pembangunan video animasi bagi mata pelajaran Sejarah Tingkatan Limathesis
10HELP FLOOD VICTIM: a real time dataset driven web application to assist flood victims on real time informationfinal_year_project
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