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Subject: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (464 items)
451Tingkah laku kepimpinan pengetua dan hubungannya dengan tekanan kerja guru setiausaha sukan di sekolah-sekolah menengah negeri Perakthesis
452Tinjauan kepentingan aplikasi reka bentuk instruksional danteknologi terhadap tahap kompetensi guru pendidikan seni visual dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaranthesis
453Tinjauan keperluan garis panduan pembangunan video Animasi bagi mata pelajaran Sejarah Di Malaysiaarticle
454Transitioning from scratch to Java a mixed method investigation into students\ learning processesarticle
455Trend of stem and connection of cognitives for carrer interestarticle
456Understanding the levels of productivity of teachers who are exposed to in-service trainingarticle
457Unlocking the potential of game-based learning for soft skills development a comprehensive reviewarticle
458Using video blogging (Vlog) to enhance english language speaking skills in a Malaysian secondary schoolarticle
459Validity and reliability of assessment instruments for special needs students (AISNS) based on invasion category games in physical education article
460Variasi Media dalam Pendidikan di Malaysia: Satu Paradigma Abad Ke-21article
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