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Subject: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (464 items)
441The spending pattern on green products among lower income group households in Malaysiaarticle
442The study of gender difference of undergraduate Psychology students on perception towards transgender article
443The suitable teaching methods in entrepreneurship education from the perspective of undergraduate studentsarticle
444The Teachers professional development in The implementation of CEFR-Aligned classroom based assessmentarticle
445The usage of digital games in learning biology among form four students in Malaysiathesis
446The usage of wordwall in teaching and learning Tamilarticle
447The use of CAKE Mobile Application among ESL undergraduate students in the ODL programmearticle
448The use of ICT in teaching ETTecS subjects in Englishthesis
449The use of Kahoot! in teaching grammar a case study of Politeknik Kota Bharu studentsarticle
450The use of retelling strategy in enhancing reading comprehension skill among secondry school students : a case studythesis
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