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Subject: J Political Science (32 items)
1 Digital financial literacy among young adults in Malaysiaarticle
2A descriptive study of Islamic Boundness in Subaiyyat Isa Alabi Abubakararticle
3Analysing the determinants of public expenditure in the United Arab Emirates (UAE): evidence from ARDL bounds testing approacharticle
4Analysis of food expenditure in Perak article
5Compensation and benefit key reason employees retain in the organizationarticle
6Deciphering the stereotyping of Arabs, their language and religion by the Bruneiansarticle
7Descriptive analysis study of prose poetry in Mahmoud Darwish poetry (Yawmiyyat Athar Al-Farashah)thesis
8Developing ethical accounting students through incorporating islamic ethics into accounting curriculum: the educators perspectivesarticle
9Development of financial management framework for industrialsed building system IBS project by using analytic hierarchy process AHPthesis
10Employee ownership and financial performance of state-owned entities: A mediating role of employee loyaltyarticle
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