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Subject: K Law (General) (8 items)
1Al-Laqit:hak-hak anak pungut di bawah undang-undang Islam dan Undang-undang Malaysiaarticle
2Analisis penalti terhadap kesalahan-kesalahan matrimoni di Mahkamah Syariah Selangor thesis
3Constructive dismissal: lesson learnt from Malaysian industrial court casesarticle
4Final report of the commission - appointed to enquire into certain matters connected with the Sultan Idris Training College, Tanjong Malim book
5Implement of seatbelt wearing circular and seatbelt wearing observation in Putrajayaarticle
6Konflik hak tanah adat (native costumary rights) Kampung Imahit Tenom, Sabah article
7Preserving childs faith in Malaysian law: a maqasidic approacharticle
8The adherence of Malay traders to halal laws in Muallim District, Perakarticle

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