UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)

Subject: RC1200 Sports Medicine (7 items)
1Ankle range of motion and dynamic balance in recreational Sepak Takraw players with and without ankle injury-A comparative studyarticle
2Comparison between Cold Water Immersion and Active Recovery on perceived pain relieve among male football playersthesis
3Content validity and test–retest reliability with principal component analysis of the translated Malay four-item version of Paffenbarger physical activity questionnairearticle
4Keberkesanan latihan judo melalui teknik kata-gategame dan kesa-gategame terhadap individu paraplegia cerebral palsyarticle
5Nutritional knowledge and calorie intake among university athlete with risk of female athlete triadarticle
6Prioritization methodology for a large scale of remote patients: a case study of chronic heart disease (IR)thesis
7Sedentary lifestyle implication on cardio-autonomic function and adaptation to archery as a reversible interventionarticle

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