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Subject: BF Psychology (228 items)
1 Socio-economic, psychological and environmental factors in the academic performance of elementary pupils of Alfonso Lista DistrictIfugao, Philippinesarticle
2A needs analysis on the development of a mobile learning (M-Learning) module for multicultural counselling article
3A review of psychosocial learning environment article
4A study of moral reasoning and characteristics of at-risk students in Melaka (IR)thesis
5An action study on teaching group counselling skills among postgraduate counselor trainees (IR)article
6An exploration of health providers' responses to intimate partner violence (IPV) in Malaysia (IR)thesis
7Analisis jenis, punca dan langkah mengatasi tingkah laku buli di sekolah-sekolah Rendah Daerah Kinta Utara, Perakthesis
8Analisis sikap murid terhadap mata pelajaran Sains di Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Tamil) (IR)article
9Application encouragement of emotional intelligence module as a strategy for strengthening the development of emotional intelligence college student council article
10Burnout dan tekanan kerja di kalangan guru: satu kajian terhadap guru-guru sekolah menengah daerah Hulu Langat (IR)thesis
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