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Subject: T Technology (88 items)
1A Delphi study of effective practices for determining the competencies of elementary music teachersarticle
2A new bunion shoe design using geometric analysis hallux valgus angle (HVA) for Malaysian womenarticle
3A proposed instrument to measure the organizational citizenship behavior of teachers in Indonesian contextarticle
4A RPCA-Based Tukey\s biweight for clustering identification on extreme rainfall dataarticle
5A systematic review of automated preprocessing, feature extraction and classification of cardiotocography article
6An empirical study of real-time information-receiving using industry 4.0 technologies in downstream operations article
7An investigation of design features in upcycled fashionarticle
8Analisis keperluan e-modul perisian Canva dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Seni Visual dalam kalangan guru sekolah rendaharticle
9Application of augmented reality technology as an interactive learning medium in geography subjects article
10Cabaran mahasiswa dan mahasiswi TVET dalam mengintegrasikan kemahiran keusahawanan sebagai pencipta kerjayafinal_year_project
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