UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)

Subject: D History General and Old World (84 items)
1Allowances, appreciation and promotion influencing employee performancearticle
2An exploratory study on green Chemistry practices and experiments in Malaysian secondary schoolsarticle
3Apresiasi seni pameran solo Aznan Omar mencetak satiraarticle
4Availability and utilization of paperless technology among staff of technical colleges in Osun State, Nigeriaarticle
5Biosynthesis of carbohydrate and lipid in Chlorella vulgaris UPSI-JRM01 for biofuel feedstock productionthesis
6Board diversity, company’s financial performance and corporate social responsibility information disclosure in Malaysiaarticle
7Capital inflow, exchange rate and agricultural output evidence from Sub-Saharan African regionarticle
8Chemical composition of Sarcotheca laxa (Ridl.) Knuth essential oil and their bioactivitiesarticle
9Chemical composition of the Essential oil of Litsea resinosa blume and acetylcholinesterase activityarticle
10Chemical compounds and antimicrobial activities of actinomycetes isolates from BRIS soilarticle
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