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Year: 2011 (93 items)
11Beginning teachers conceptions of competency and its alignment to the standard Guru Malaysia for improved teacher education monograph
12Demographic parameters and reproductive performance of the assassin bug Sycanus dichotomus Stal. fed on mealworm Tenebrio molitor L. article
13Detecting socially desirable responses in personality inventory thesis
14Dialek Kuala Kangsar sebagai entri dalam kamus thesis
15Does screencast teaching software application needs narration for effective learning? article
16Dvd-Rom multimedia interaktif: seni bunyi soundscape sebagai bahan bantu mengajar untuk pendidik prasekolah thesis
17Engaging students interest and satisfaction using blog at university levelthesis
18Factors contributing to students performance in writing among form three studentsthesis
19Factors contributing to students performance in writing among form three students thesis
20Faktor penyumbang terhadap penerimaan teknologi computer dalam kalangan Guru Sekolah Rendah, di Daerah Besut, Terengganuthesis
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