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Year: 2008 (56 items)
51Tekanan dan burnout dalam kalangan kaunselor sekolah menengah di negeri Pahang Darul Makmur (IR)monograph
52Teknik permainan serunai dalam konteks pengajaran dan pembelajaran muzik tradisional wayang kulit Kelantan: satu kajian kes (IR)thesis
53The effectiveness of cooperation learning via cooperative learning in science teacher education at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (IR)monograph
54The effects of complex training programs on jumping height in novice volleyball players (IR)monograph
55The use of cooperative learning method in the teaching of reading comprehension : a servay of ESL teachersthesis
56Tinjauan awal pemikiran keusahawan di kalangan pentadbir sekolah rendah (IR)monograph
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