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Year: 2012 (134 items)
1A model of lecturers\ power motivation, empowerment, perceived inequality, internal service quality and burnout to students satisfaction monograph
2A model to identify the level of numeracy understanding of primary school pupils a case study article
3Advancing the Orang Asli through Malaysias Clusters of excellence policy article
4Affordances of Wikispaces for collaborative learning and knowledge management article
5An Assessment in Mathematics Education : Different Modes Of Assessing Learner Teachers conference_item
6An empirical study of knowledge-management contextual factor in the emergence of information communication technology in schools article
7An exploratory study of a potential framework for Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) article
8Analisis trend hujan di bandaraya Ipoh Perak 1970-2007 article
9Aplikasi model konstruktivisme dalam kelas bahasa Melayu monograph
10Aplikasi Pemetaan Konsep Dalam Mencapai Objektif Pembelajaran Dalam Biologi conference_item
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