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A stability analysis for Radiation Effects on Marangoni Convection boundary layer over a permeable surface
Nor Azian Aini Mat
The objectives are to derive the stability analysis theoretically and to set up the stability analysis numerically for radiation effects on Marangoni convection boundary layer over a permeable surface. The stability analysis is used to determine which branch solutions are stable and physically realisable. The stability can be tested via the smallest eigenvalue. Negative smallest eigenvalue produces an initial growth of disturbance and the flow becomes unstable. In contrast, the positive smallest eigenvalue results in an initial decay of the disturbance, thus the flow is stable. The research has an implication in order to identify which solution is stable, whether the first or the second solution. Keywords: permeable surface, dual solution, stability analysis..

110 hits

Personaliti dan hubungannya dengan daya tindak perkahwinan
Hapsah Md. Yusof
Kajian ini melihat hubungan di antara daya tindak perkahwinan dan personaliti di kalangan 170 orang  (N = 110 wanita, 60 lelaki) subjek yang berkahwin, dan berumur di antara 22 hingga 55 tahun (M =  40.0, SP= 7.82). Bagi tujuan kajian ini, pengkaji menggunakan dua alat ukur iaitu Marital Coping Inventory (Bowman, 1990) sebagai alat ukur  daya tindak perkahwinan dan NEO-Five Factor Inventory (Costa &  McCrae, 1992) bagi melihat  personaliti.  Dimensi daya tindak adalah konflik, menyalahkan diri, mementingkan diri, pendekatan  positif dan pengelakan. Manakala  personaliti  pula  merangkumi  neurotik,  ekstrovert,   keterbukaan, kebersetujuan dan ketekunan. Analisis kajian menunjukkan wujudnya hubungan di antara   beberapa  dimensi  personaliti  dengan  daya  tindak.  Hanya  dimensi mementingkan diri tidak  mempunyai hubungan dengan personaliti. Pengkaji turut melihat perbezaan daya tindak mengikut  jantina, tempoh perkahwinan dan kategori umur. Implikasi.....

141 hits

Penglibatan ibu bapa dan pengaruhnya ke atas kesediaan membaca kanak kanak pra sekolah
Marziaton Daud
Kajian mengenai penglibatan ibu bapa telah banyak dijalankan, terutamanya di luar negara. Walau  bagaimanapun, kajian mengenai penglibatan ibu bapa dari aspek psikologi jarang didapati di  Malaysia.  Penglibatan ibu bapa dalam pendidikan anak-anak mereka merupakan aspek penting yang  sering diabaikan. lbu bapa memainkan peranan signifikan dalam proses perkembangan anak-anak mereka.   Kajian ini mengupas penglibatan ibu bapa dari tiga aspek  psikologi  iaitu sokongan emosi,   perapatan dan  jangkaan dan hubungannya dengan kesediaan membaca kanak-kanak pra sekolah.  Kajian  ini adalah satu kajian kes berbentuk kualitatif yang menggunakan kaedah pemerhatian  dan  temubual. Seramai 20 orang pelajar pra sekolah yang berusia lima tahun diberi ujian Konsep Cetakan  untuk menguji kesediaan membaca mereka. Selepas markah diperolehi, 5 pelajar yang mendapat markah tertinggi, sederhana dan terendah dipilih untuk sesi pemerhatian  dan  seterusnya  ibu  dan  bapa  me.....

137 hits

The effectiveness of graphic organizers in comprehending literary texts
Ooi, Judy Suan Choo
The implementation of the Literature Component in the new Malaysian syllabus for English Language  provides ample impetus for the promotion of a reading culture and improvement of competence in the  English Language.  Therefore, it is important for ESL students in Malaysia to study literature.  However, this poses problems for most students as a majority of them have not been exposed to any  genre of Literature in their six years of primary education. Thus this study was postulated to  explore whether graphic organizers could be used as a tool in enhancing the learners' comprehension  of literary texts such as a novel.  It also attempts to find out if this teaching strategy could be  utilized in the classroom to promote better comprehension of this literary text. Both the learning  and teaching aspects are essential in this study as there is a wealth of knowledge to be gained  from the proceedings in the classroom. Besides that, this study was conducted over a perio.....

138 hits

The Scientific Literacy test instrument on particle dynamics for High School students
Mustika Wati
The measurement of scientific literacy is very focused, this is shown by the urgency of preparing scientific literacy test instruments. This research develops a proper scientific literacy test instrument on particle dynamics material. This research is a development research adapted from the Borg and Gall model. The test subjects of this study were 202 students. Design validation, instrument validity, instrument reliability, instrument difficulty level and instrument differentiability are data analysis techniques. The product produced is a material science literacy test instrument for particle dynamics totaling 10 questions in the form of reasoned multiple choice questions. The results showed that (1) the questions were in the valid category, (2) had reliability with very good criteria of 0.83 (3) the difficulty level of the questions obtained 1 item in the difficult category and 11 questions with moderate criteria, (4) the results of the discriminating power of the questions show that .....

138 hits

Kesan penggunaan strategi animasi ke atas antaramuka koswer terhadap tumpuan dan pencapaian pelajar
Syamsulaini Sidek
Kajian ini telah membangunkan dan menguji jujukan tumpuan serta kesannya terhadap pembelajaran di  antara dua antaramuka koswer yang menggunakan strategi paparan berbeza. Topik yang dipilih bagi  tujuan ini ialah Mod Penghantaran dalam matapelajaran Rangkaian Komputer. Sampel kajian melibatkan  44 orang pelajar ljazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan,  Universiti  Pendidikan  Sultan  Idris.  Pelajar   dibahagikan  kepada  dua kumpulan sampel iaitu Kumpulan I melibatkan 22 orang pelajar menggunakan  koswer Antaramuka Strategi Paparan Animasi Dikawal (AK) dan kumpulan 2 juga melibatkan 22 orang  pelajar yang menggunakan koswer Antaramuka Strategi Paparan Animasi Tidak Dikawal (ATK). Kedua-dua  kumpulan sampel ini diuji bagi mengesan jujukan tumpuan pelajar terhadap antaramuka  berbeza  strategi paparan animasi dengan mengedarkan borang soal selidik. Bagi menguji  kesan strategi   paparan animasi berbeza di atas antaramuka koswer terhadap pencapaian pelajar pula, pelaj.....

141 hits

Ordered logistic regression model on how logical and rewarding is learning statistics online
Casinillo, Leomarich F.
Statistics education amid the new normal faced a lot of challenges and barriers where students cannot seriously experience the logical and rewarding nature of statistics. This research article aimed to describe the logical and rewarding nature of statistics experienced by students in the new normal and elucidate the causal determinants. The study dealt with secondary and cross-sectional data from the current study in the literature. Standard descriptive measures, frequency table, and chi-square test were calculated to summarize the selected variables, and ordered logistic regression was employed to capture the influencing factors of how logical and rewarding learning statistics is. Results showed that, on average, statistics learning during distance education is both logical and rewarding. The regression models revealed that the predictors of the logical nature of statistics are younger students, male students, money for the internet, and a conducive place for learning. Meanwhile, the .....

81 hits

A Holistic Approach to Authentic Assessment
Tanjong Malim

Authentic assessments require students to use the same skills, knowledge and attributes that they would use in a workplace context. Such assessments have positively affected the quality and depth of student learning, skills development, employability, and workplace readiness. Authentic assessments have also been heralded as a potential solution to minimise academic integrity issues caused by artificial intelligence software such as ChatGPT. Despite these benefits, substantial barriers exist to implementing authentic assessments in higher education. This article discusses the critical elements of authentic assessments and the steps involved in planning authentic assessments. This article is based on the author's professional experiences and reflections on implementing an authentic assessment initiative at a business school in a New Zealand University. Further information was obtained from document analysis, observations and informal conversations with colleagues. The article recommends .....

99 hits

The Teachers professional development in The implementation of CEFR-Aligned classroom based assessment
Anwar Farhan Mohamad Marzaini
The recent implementation of CEFR-aligned Classroom-Based Assessment (CEFR CBA) requires teachers to conduct comprehensive assessments of their students as part of their teaching and learning practises. Regarding this reform, the teachers' professional development (TPD) programme plays a crucial role in ensuring that teachers are well-equipped with the content and pedagogical understanding of the new policy. The TPD becomes an important medium with the aim of enhancing teachers’ professionalism to suit the need of education reform. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation of teachers' professional development at the meso (school) and macro (education department) levels by identifying the types of TPD strategies employed by trainers. This study also investigates the challenges preventing the TPD programme from effectively function in disseminating information to teachers. By using the qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews, data was colle.....

112 hits

Students attitude towards Teacher feedback a case study of Uzbekistan EFL learners
Sotlikova, Rimajon
The present study investigates the attitudes of students towards teacher feedback as a means of enhancing their learning progress in English Language Teaching (ELT) classrooms. In this case study, 28 students participated (N = 28; 20 female and 8 male; age = 21). The study methodology is quantitative and analyzed using a Likert scale. The author of the study conducted a questionnaire and interview to gather the data. The respondents have positive attitudes towards teacher feedback. The result of the survey shows the importance of providing 1) individual, 2) clear, 3) motivational, 4) written and oral (dialogue-driven), 5) corrective, and 6) constructive feedback for learners’ future progress in their learning process. Besides, the effectiveness of giving feedback for productive skill tasks and activities was also identified from the collected data. While feedback is intended to be constructive and supportive, students’ attitudes can often hinder its effectiveness and potentially hi.....

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