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Publisher: Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif (743 items)
261Factors affecting the adoption of social media in higher education: a systematic review of the technology acceptance model article
262Factors influencing teachers adoption and integration of ICT into teaching in urban high schoolsthesis
263Faktor penyumbang terhadap penerimaan teknologi computer dalam kalangan Guru Sekolah Rendah, di Daerah Besut, Terengganuthesis
264Faktor-faktor mempengaruhi minat pelajar pendidikan seni visual terhadap kraf ukiran kayuthesis
265Fashion sustainability: benefits of using sustainable practices in producing sustainable fashion designsarticle
266Fault-tolerant mhealth framework in telemedicine environment for chronic heart disease patientsthesis
267Fault-tolerant mHealth framework in the context of IoT-based real-time wearable health data sensorsarticle
268Fenomena viral media sosial sebagai eksposisi tema dalam pendekatan karya seni catanarticle
269Florescencism by Lida Sherfatmand in the context of Floral Art Historyarticle
270Formulating M-learning framework for generation Z using the Fuzzy Delphi Methodthesis
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