UPSI Digital Repository (UDRep)

Subject: V Naval Science (202 items)
181The effects of loadings during forward lunge on force output in dominant and non-dominant legarticle
182The Effects of Resistance Training with Different Focus Attention on Muscular Strength: Application to Teaching Methods in Physical Conditioning Classarticle
183The effects of TGfU, SEM and HTGfU-SEM on psychomotor badminton doubles game play outcomearticle
184The impact of the media in relation to adolescents' juvenile delinquency in the United Arab Emiratesthesis
185The influence of the coach’s perceived leadership style and behavior on athletes’ aggression and well-beingarticle
186The level of relationship between athletes and coaches among sport school students in Malaysiaarticle
187The mental toughness of State and University football players in Malaysiaarticle
188The perception of athlete’s anxiety experience in team and individual sportsarticle
189The personality of digital games players among children based on the Brain Hex Modelarticle
190The prevalence of nutritional knowledge among soccer athletes within different levels of participant statusarticle
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