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Subject: P Philology. Linguistics (86 items)
31Identity in contemporary Malaysian literature : diversities, writers dilemma and implications for teaching article
32Improving students achievement in a holistic learning environment through metacognitive awareness article
33Interdisciplinary insights and psychology into the interplay of linguistics and ethnomusicology in the 21st century educationarticle
34Junior high school students cognitive process in solving the developed algebraic problems based on information processing taxonomy model article
35Kata adverba atau kata sifat? article
36Kesedaran fonologikal dalam kemahiran awal membaca kanak-kanak prasekolah thesis
37Kesilapan penggunaan kata kerja dalam kalangan pelajar Melayu ketika menstruktur ayat dalam penulisan bahasa Sepanyol article
38Kesilapan sebutan nada bahasa Mandarin dalam kalangan pelajar Melayu thesis
39Key aspects of current educational reforms in Islamic educational schools article
40Komunikasi antara guru dan murid dalam pengajaran penulisan bahasa Melayu thesis
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