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Subject: LB Theory and practice of education (1600 items)
881Lecturers mental health and work engagement: A diary study on the role of perceived supervisor supportresearch_report
882Level of knowledge, skills and attitude of trainee teachers on Web 2.0 applications in teaching geography in Malaysia schoolsarticle
883Libyan teachers selection of materials in EFL reading classroomthesis
884Literature circles and comprehension of graphic and non-graphic novelsthesis
885Malaysian trainee teachers mathematical knowledge of fractions article
886Malcolm knowles theory of andragogy at research management and innovation centre Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (RMIC-UPSI) work based learning modelarticle
887Matheractive ebook: development of interactive Mathematics book for primary schoolfinal_year_project
888Measuring effectiveness of challenge characteristic in mobile education game in the learning of Mathematics thesis
889Measuring primary science teachers self-efficacy beliefs in Batang Padang, Perak with "Primary science teachers self-efficacy beliefs scale" thesis
890Measuring STEM Attitude, Knowledge and Application (SAKA) of primary school science teachers of Batang Padang Districtthesis
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