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Year: 2012 (132 items)
121The impact of technological capability on power, trust and interfirm relationship performance thesis
122The integration of STS issues in physics curriculum article
123The making of IT teachers: lessons learned from animation-enhanced training article
124The usage of digital games in learning biology among form four students in Malaysiathesis
125The use of ICT in teaching ETTecS subjects in Englishthesis
126Thinking skills for secondary school students in Malaysia article
127Tinjauan tahap penggunaan media instruksional dan pengamatannya di Kolej Matrikulasi Perakthesis
128Trend hujan jangkamasa panjang dan pengaruhnya terhadap hakisan permukaan: implikasinya kepada tapak kampus baru Sultan Azlan Shah, Tanjong Malim article
129University students subject matter knowledge and misconception of teaching games for understanding and its implication to teaching practice article
130Unsur Tipainduk dan mitos dalam teks pilihan article
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